Our Responsibilities.

It’s perhaps no surprise that, as the UK’s leading office products and services provider, we are ISO9001 and ISO14001 accredited. But what does this actually mean?

Firstly, it means we take our social and environmental responsibilities seriously. We work hard to devise ever ‘greener’ ways of working, to reduce our carbon impact and better protect the world’s resources.

Minimise Waste.

We continually minimise the creation of waste at our Yorkshire headquarters, by communicating and each committing to the company’s ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ policy.

Our Fleet.

The vehicles within our fleet are, where practicable, chosen on the basis of minimal environmental impact.

Car Sharing.

We promote car sharing or the use of public transport for employees’ commutes to and from work.

Our Premises.

We continue to adapt our business premises to improve our buildings’ energy efficiency and thus our carbon footprint.

But that’s not all. We know that many of our clients don’t just want to work with an environmentally responsible partner; they want to strengthen their own ‘green’ credentials too. That’s why we actively encourage more sustainable practices within our customers’ and suppliers’ businesses, as well as our own.

For instance, we work hard to source products that are manufactured using materials and methods that are less harmful to the world’s resources.

Recyclable Material.

Where the miobus logo is shown, this indicates that a percentage of the product’s content has been produced from recyclable material.

Less Harmful.

Our catalogue highlights products that are less harmful to the environment, because they’re Fairtrade, have been manufactured from well-managed forests, have the Nordic Swan, Energy Star (US) or Blue Angel (German) accreditation for environmental attributes, have achieved EU Eco-Label status or have been TCO 99 certified.

Printed Catalogue.

Some of our clients like to browse our product range using a traditional printed catalogue. Ours is printed on elemental chlorine free paper, sourced from well-managed forests. The pages are fully recyclable and can therefore be used in newspaper and packaging production. The paper is also biodegradable so can alternatively be composted or incinerated to produce energy.

Single Source.

The very nature of our operations – to provide a single source supply of office products and services – reduces the complexity of each client’s supply chain. One order and one delivery from one supplier negates the need for many delivery vehicles travelling to that customer’s site. This reduces the carbon footprint of the entire process!

If your environmental conscience influences your decision making process, you have utmost peace of mind that, with Universal, you’re ‘doing your bit’.